Are you a 1 in 10 or a 1 in 10,000?

I am honored to host a guest blog by my pal Kaustav Mitra, who is a dear friend and colleague. He is the fearless leader of the SAP startup focus program. When I joined SAP last year, Kaustav was assigned as my “buddy” to show me around 🙂  When I say fearless, I am notContinue reading “Are you a 1 in 10 or a 1 in 10,000?”

Who is your teacher? And who taught the teacher ?

I saw this today morning at the Starbucks counter in the hotel lobby . And then I had to change my shirt – and I have mocha dripping through my nose . I am not a big fan of Alexander – and have a hard time saying Alexander the Great . However , I doContinue reading “Who is your teacher? And who taught the teacher ?”

Why do companies exist ?

In business school -I was taught that the primary idea of having a company is to maximize returns to its shareholders . There were some essays on the “additional necessity” of stake holder management too . As I joined the workforce – I was taught that companies exist to make sure customers are successful .Continue reading “Why do companies exist ?”