What do I expect to learn at SAPPHIRENOW 2011?

I am typing this from my flight to JFK from PHX. The next long trip on the cards is to MCO for SAPPHIRE NOW which is fast approaching. Having flown millions of miles, and having attended a good many SAP events – it is only apt that it is in a flight that I gotContinue reading “What do I expect to learn at SAPPHIRENOW 2011?”

SAP’s on-demand solutions – what if I am offline ?

Over the last couple of weeks, there has been an overload of news about cool stuff happening on SAP’s On-demand and mobile world, especially the sales on demand solution. From what I have read so far, SAP should be genuinely proud of every thing they are doing in these important areas. But, in all thisContinue reading “SAP’s on-demand solutions – what if I am offline ?”